Gargantua update June 2016

Gargantua started operating on March 15th 2016, this is now over 3 months. I'm more than happy with it and the worm population has exploded. There is a good mix of Blue Indians and Red Wigglers but I added a few European Nightcrawlers and Cod Worms (Alabama Jumpers) to see how they would do.

A large worm bin is so much easier to maintain than several smaller bins or even a single bin. You worry less about what food and the quantity because once it is at or near full speed (max worm population) the worms will eat a lot and the large amount of bedding is giving them space to retreat to if anything is going wrong with the food.

Anyway, today I went and feed the worm bins and found a ball of mixed worms around the decaying pile of food from last week. It's winter in Australia and food scraps are adding some very welcome warmth, the worms are enjoying it.

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Worm Farming IMG_3420.jpg

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